Friday, February 19, 2016

Dark Movies

          Darkness... A powerful word. To my understanding films that had darkness in them fell under Film Noir. Director Errol Morris caught my attention twice. When he was talking about the film "Out of Past" Morris mentions " We don't know whats going on but we do know its something bad is out there controlling events" In the beginning of the film "Double Indemnity" when the Walter and Phyllis were somewhat throwing out hints they were interested in one another, I felt like something was up because she was a married women and being very flirty. Morris also said " A person who finds himself caught in a nut the more he falls in" Well, Walter was digging up more info as the film dragged along and now it lead him to get into the picture more and take matters into his own hands after he figured out what Phyllis true intentions were.

    Agghh Phyllis was sure tricky! I did not see her giving us a twist at the end. I thought she was only doing the husband dirty to be with Walter but it was all a set up! As Jenny Place mentions "Man have always been in danger of a strong female" and that fits the description of femme fatale. Just as i mention that Walter was just someone to do the deed Place says " She uses her sexuality to get what she wants, what she wants is not the man, the man is a tool" In the film "Double Indemnity" That's exactly what Walter was. Phyllis used her beautiful looks to get what she wants. She set it up just for her convenience.

   I feel like the lights and shadow does change the mood in a film. The black and white gives it a mysterious feeling towards the movie. When color was added to Neo-Noir films i feel like the mysterious feeling faded away or are not as strong as the black and white films. I believe would say John Bailey met my expectations when they introduced color when he says "color brings in a certain relationship to the world, the real world is in color" it is true, we feel like it is in our time and makes you have a better visualization than a black and white film. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Why have movies evolved as they have now? Simple, they are very interesting. For most people it might give them a sense of a different life. Helps one see the world or a fantasy world outside of theirs. What makes a movie an award winning movie? For starters I can say it catches the viewer and keeps them hooked wanting for more! The movie has to be able to show you something you have never watched before. Actors also can have a big role in making a movie as I point out later on.
For example, the short film "Le voyage dans la lune" I watched showed me a how life was thought to be on the moon back in their time.
The short film "The Great Train Robbery" kept me hook wondering what those guys were up to and what was going to happen. It gave me a view of a life as a robber.

I recently watched a movie called "The Good Dinosaur" and throughout the whole movie I kept thinking to myself that this was "The Lion King" but of its time. I believe This deserves an award because it showed a connection with two completely different characters and yet made me feel like they were one.

It does not matter who you are the movie was made to be understood by anyone who has a scense of emotion.

"Wolf of Wall Street" is an award winning movie because of Leonardo Dicaprio. He is one of the main reasons this movie was as good as i though it was. Having a good actor with a "so-so" story, keeps the viewer entertained. He is a good actor so when a movie is able to provide someone good, they can throw in scene that will make the movie stand out.
This was a pretty funny scene and shows what one may think they are doing while under the influence but shows what really is going on.