Agghh Phyllis was sure tricky! I did not see her giving us a twist at the end. I thought she was only doing the husband dirty to be with Walter but it was all a set up! As Jenny Place mentions "Man have always been in danger of a strong female" and that fits the description of femme fatale. Just as i mention that Walter was just someone to do the deed Place says " She uses her sexuality to get what she wants, what she wants is not the man, the man is a tool" In the film "Double Indemnity" That's exactly what Walter was. Phyllis used her beautiful looks to get what she wants. She set it up just for her convenience.
I feel like the lights and shadow does change the mood in a film. The black and white gives it a mysterious feeling towards the movie. When color was added to Neo-Noir films i feel like the mysterious feeling faded away or are not as strong as the black and white films. I believe would say John Bailey met my expectations when they introduced color when he says "color brings in a certain relationship to the world, the real world is in color" it is true, we feel like it is in our time and makes you have a better visualization than a black and white film.